NJ Public Adjusters - Community Claims Associates - Toms River NJ


Community Claims Associates, Inc
45 West Water St. 2nd Floor
Toms River, NJ 08753


You've been through your worst nightmare...
Now who will be there to protect your Best Interests?

Rebuild your life, Reclaim what's yours...
With Community Claims Associates.

Public Insurance Adjuster - Home on Fire

Your home is your most prized asset, with your most cherished memories and valued possessions. What happens when an unexpected tragedy like a fire or other disaster takes it away?

Even in the aftermath of that tragedy, you still have the responsibility to protect your property, care for your family, and deal with the insurance company.

Are you prepared to do all that? The average homeowner is not, nor should they have to be.

That's where a Public Insurance Adjuster comes in.

Public Insurance Adjuster - Commercial Building on Fire


We work with you to present a complete analysis of your property loss to your insurance company. We help assess the damage, prepare and present the claim, and ensure that you receive an equitable settlement.

Whether disaster strikes your home or your business, Community Claims Associates can assist you throughout the claims process.


Public Insurance Adjuster - Apartment Building Fire

For a business owner, the physical damage resulting from a loss may be just one of your concerns. Commercial claims require immediate and aggressive action in order to minimize the impact, and resume normal business operations as quickly as possible.

At Community Claims Associates, we also have experience handling the unique requirements of adjusting claims for apartment buildings and other multiple occupancy sites.

Community Claims Associates, Inc is an accredited and certified member of NAPIA. Its members are experts in the profession of public adjustment whom adhere to a rigid code of conduct and ethics.